Saturday, July 12, 2008

I am a little worried....

Okay, the other night I came home from the store and set my purse down in the hallway on the floor. A few minutes later, Hector got my attention and said to look at my purse. There was Gabe, quietly pulling my wallet out, then all my credit cards and crawling away with them! I said "Hey! What are you doing?" And he looked at me, laughed and crawled even faster!! This behavior has to stop!! ;0)

My darling child, taking my money.

Very very sneeky


Jamie said...

wait until you have a girl! She'll be so sneaky, there won't even be any evidence, your wallet will just have vanished!! :) Those pics are so cute! Tucker & I are coming out again at the end of August, we need to go to lunch or something!