Wednesday, February 18, 2009

My New Favorite Toy!

They are old fashioned and he LOVES THEM!! Blocks. Good old wooden blocks.

It only took hm a few seconds to learn how to stack them. Though, he only has patients to stack three or four before he can't wait to knock them down.

Stacking (by the height of the stack, obviously Mom is helping.)

WHACK! The best part!!

Wordless Wednesday

Sunday, January 11, 2009


He thinks snow is AWESOME! Untill it get's in his glove of course. He wouldn't go far from my side, but he loved to touch it.

He would blow at it like he does the bubbles in the bath tub... not quite Dude.

His sidekick.

Oh Goodie....

He's learned a new trick.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

I'm so glad when Daddy comes home!

The anticipation is more than they can handle. If ever I need a moment of peace while Hector is gone somewhere, all I have to do is say "Gabe! Where's Dad? I think I here him! GO look out the window!" And off he runs, with Toby on his heels. ( I do not do this on week long trips, that is just cruel!)

His car! His car!

I hear him Mom! He's almost here!

DADDY! Your back! ( doubt Gabe gets this excited when I'm gone, oh well, we can't all be a favorite can we?)

Watch out Girls! This Cutie cleans too!

Wow, did I really do it? Am I REALLY raising a gorgeous, sweet boy who ACTUALLY cleans up after himself? I hope so! He loves to help me wipe up the kitchen.

Keep it up kid! The girls won't know what hit them!

Baking Cupcakes with Mom

Obviously we are not baking these for lack of treats in our house. As you can see by the large doughnut in Gabes mouth, Dad keeps out supply running high. These were for something else, I forget what.... Oh well, Gabe had lots of fun!

This is the only power tool he is allowed to touch. Quite embarrassing for a big boy I'm sure. ( By the way, the one sock thing is the new look of the season!;)

Mmmmmm! Worth the wait! No Aunt Cindy, we did not put them back in the batter after they were licked, in fact Gabe would not let them out of his sight. They turned out great by the way!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Boys will be Boys

Crash! That is always the best part of playing cars.

Plant a Seed of Guilt and Watch it Grow!

Okay, when you have a child, a little seed of guilt is planted in your heart. Every time your child is harmed in any way that seed sprouts and roots and your guilt gets worse and worse. Well, as you probably saw on our family blog, Gabe had minor surgery last week. And though he is all better, I am not. He really was back to normal within a couple hours, but those hours that he was groggy and mad and sleepy and hurting were horrible for Hector and I too. Needless to say, I now have a whole bushel of guilt. So, the day after surgery we went to Toys-R-US. Maybe I can buy back good feelings? This is what Gabe got. HE LOVES IT. I highly recommend it. We play hide and seek for hours in it. And I am slowly trimming my hedges.

I call this his "Blue Steel". It is his mean look. And can be done on command.

Okay.... that's one way of getting in...

My Boy

Isn't he just adorable? Couldn't you just squeeze him forever?

A Girraffe is on the loose!

Ahhh, Halloween. We had to decide between a Giraffe or an Elephant. He can make and Elephant noise... but a Giraffe is so much more fitting right? We thought so. He loved his over stuffed tummy and bum! The frog next to him has also escaped the zoo...

DO you not see the candy in my hand Mom? Well.... what are you waiting for???

Gabe is obviously struggling to grasp the concept of waiting to eat the candy until you get home. He thinks that if he does not eat it right now, that it will magically disappear.

Isn't Mom the cutest Safari Guide you have ever seen? ;) Right. But it was fun!

Gabe and Dallas, coming back from a quick trip to the neighbors for a refill on candy.

Gabe and Cousin Brinley. I am not sure why but Brinley takes extra interest in whatever Gabe is doing. He certainly doesn't mind and I think Brinley feels a nice sense of control when she is around him. (don't know where she inherited that from)

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Who needs toys? I have tupperwear!

Don't waste your money parents! Toys are fun for a few minutes, but they always end up back in your cabinets. He loves any boxes or bubble wrap, tupperwear or pans.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Happy 1st Birthday Gabe!

Present time! I am not sure you have any idea what your goal is here, or what the box is that you just took the paper off of, but you LOVE to rip the wrapping paper! Forget the toys! Bring on the paper!

With a little help from cousin Adam, the paper is coming off.

Thanks for the books Grandma and Grandpa Harris!

Aunt Laura, showing Gabe how the basket ball hoop works. Your a natural, dude!

Here is Gabe with all his birthay gifts, the dump truck is definatly his favorite. Gabe never left it alone whole night, and still, a few days later, it is his favorite toy.

You've had a Birthday Shout Hooray!

We had a sports themed party for Gabe's big Numero Uno! I made him a 2 layer chocolate cake with a baseball on the top. Friends and family came over and we played and sang happy birthday. Then Gabe got to eat his birthday cake all by himself. At this point, he is just testing the water, you know, see if I jump for a wipee the moment his fingers touch the frosting?

It's okay, really.

I am not sure how much actually made it in his mouth, but he is enjoying it regardless. It was all fun until Uncle Steve put a scoop of ice cream on his tray, he didn't like the cold sliding down his tummy very much.

Yuuummmm!!! This is awesome!

My Crib

It is amazing to me how badly Gabe does not want to go to sleep. If someone put me in a bed and told me to go to sleep I would be SO excited. Oh, you'll miss these days of rest Gabe, trust me!

He's so cute, isn't he?